hey ya'll!! Welcome to the 8th culture roundup!! I'm so happy right now because I just made the most delicious strawberry shortcake and ate it from the cutest little race car plate. I used a really nice recipe from my roommate's cookbook called "The Immeasurable Place: Food and Farming From The Edge of Wilderness." She got it at this really cool farm/restaurant in remote Utah. And tbh I don't think my photo is that far off from the one in the cook book! So I'm feeling p good about myself rn. Also it really wasn't that hard. I swear! But also I bought the whip cream and saved a step. :)

So I'm going to channel all of this happiness into my newsletter!! hehe yay. I love it. I had the most lovely summer weekend with many spontaneous activities which i love! Read on for more <3


Cactus Store -- 5/5 **would definitely go for a 2nd time in the same month. #love #dimessquare

I literally had the most spontaneous day on Sunday. I woke up and my only plans were to see my friend Missy at some point during the day. So we set time for brunch and I was off! I had brunch and then randomly went to my friends radio show on 8ball radio in Chinatown where I ran into many more friends and had the most lovely time.

Then I walked with my friend Seth to his job at the Cactus Store! Y'all this shop is so cute. It's only open in NYC in the summer (with it's base in LA) and they source super rare cacti + plants from the south/desert. They also host really cool events like movie screenings, etc. and is such a lovely space to hang out, meet cool people and see really interesting cacti + plants! You should def check it out/check out their website too

The space is in a greenhouse so feels like you are really escaping NYC for a second. It's honestly so cool that this space exists in the heart of Manhattan. There's a massive range of prices so some cacti are super affordable and some are extremely rare/expensive which is fun.

Well that's all for this newsletter! A lovely little short and sweet one for you on this summer day. hehe. I can't wait for the next one! Love, Jana<3


